
High-precision simultaneous displacement and angle measurement

Тип переговорной


Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательные поля
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Программа мероприятия

Webinar on "High-precision simultaneous displacement and angle measurement" – quality assurance through accurate and, above all, fast alignment of motion and positioning systems.

Dr. Denis Dontsov and Falko Seyfferth provide exciting insights into the theory and practice of linear and angular metrology.
Among other things, you will learn which factors have an influence on measurement uncertainties, how to realize an Abbe error-free measurement setup or compensate Abbe errors and for which application areas the measurement systems are suitable.

At the end, our speakers will answer questions from the live webinar chat.

Speaker: Dr. Denis Dontsov, Falko Seyfferth

Language: English

Recording from: January 19, 2023

Г-н Dr.-Ing. Denis Dontsov

Geschäftsführer / Managing Director

Г-н Falko Seyfferth

Anwendungsingenieur / Application Engineer